Monthly Archives: November 2023

The Regulation of Stablecoins – Solicitors Journal 20.11.23

In this article, Jeremy Barnett considers the new proposed regulation or crypto assets, looking in detail at the FCA and Bank of England discussion documents. He concludes that the proposed regulation is necessary as he has a healthy skepticism about stablecoins in general and feels strongly that there must be a new mandatory accounting standard […]

JudicialTech supporting Justice: The impact of AI on the judiciary, courts and justice

Jeremy Barnett1, Fredric Lederer2, Philip Treleaven1, Nicholas Vermeys3, John Zeleznikow4 1University College London, 2William & Mary Law School, 3University de Montreal, 4La Trobe University This is a summary of a full paper available on SSRN by clicking here. The rapid adoption of new forms of AI and emerging technologies in courts is transforming criminal and […]