Monthly Archives: March 2021

Full video of DeFi for Real Estate roundtable now available

The joint roundtable between the UCL ‘DigitalDisruption’ consortium (which is a partnership between RPL and UCL)  together with FIBREE (the Foundation for International Blochain in Real Estate Expertise) took place on 17th March 2021. There is a a full video of the event, moderated by Jeremy Barnett which where speakers from KR1, Polkadot, Aave and […]

DeFi for Real Estate: The Mechanics of Decentralised Trust 17th March In August 2018 in a Telegram chat between Ethereum developers and entrepreneurs the term “DeFi” was coined for the first time referring to Decentralized Finance. Less than two years later, the term became widely popular due to the exponential growth of the sector. First there was the internet (Web1). Then the ability to form […]