Resilience Partners

Mission statement

By collecting and validating the key data and by using emerging technologies ( blockchain, AI, IoT & BIM ) Resilience Partners organises its clients data to avoid (and where necessary) resolve disputes; ensures regulatory compliance; lower risk and insurance cost and help clients monetise their data.

Our aim is work with major property owners and developers to understand how to best harness these disruptive technologies for their individual businesses.

Who We Are

RPL (Resilience Partners Limited) is a consultancy that specialises in converting critical information to add value. We are a team of specialists from commercial and academic backgrounds. Our talent network is growing rapidly and is anchored by our role as co-founder of Digital Disruption@BREI

We will be working with The Bartlett Real Estate Institute at UCL [BREI] and Barclays to promote research and executive training on how emerging technologies impact on Construction and Real Estate more >

What We Do

We have an unrivalled understanding of DLT and blockchain and the way in which these emerging technologies can interface with AI, IoT and Building Information Modelling. We aim to disrupt existing business models in a number of global industries starting with Construction and Real Estate.

We have developed our own prototype technology called PIM – Project Information Modelling to capture critical information in the blockchain and the DRM2 which is the Dispute Resolution Module. We are also planning a new FSM – Fire Safety Module to deal with issues raised by the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. more >

Our Expertise


We advise on the use of emerging technologies and change management in the Construction and Real Estate Sectors more >

Executive Education

In conjunction with the Bartlett Real Estate Institution, we run breakfast briefing and executive education short courses to help Construction and Real Estate execs understand the impact of emerging technologies on the sector more >

Digital Disruption@BREI

'DigitalDisruption@BREI' is a jont venture between RPL and the Bartlett Real Estate Insitute at UCL to promote Data Driven Real Estate.
more >

Post Grenfell Tower Fire & Safety

Following the Hackitt report, Resilience are leading the way in the design of blockchain and other advanced systems to ensure safety and compliance for all parties in the design and build supply chain more >